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What areas is intelligent AGV robots advantage reflected?

Author:admin  Time:2016-05-10 17:17:40  

        AGV robot refers to devices equipped with automated guided by two or four differential along a predetermined path of travel, with security and a variety of transfer functions without the driver's truck, to provide battery power source can be preset through program or a central computer to control the operation of the route as well as behavior.

With the wide application of industrial automation equipment and electrical and mechanical systems integration software development technology, and flexible manufacturing systems and automated warehouses, AGV applications and technology have made great progress, the AGV What are the advantages of it? AGV technical characteristics: high degree of automation: AGV through the remote software, computers, various sensors for automatic behavior.

1, to prevent product damage - can reduce the damage to the goods due to manual operation of the irregularities caused;

2, to improve internal logistics management --AGV intelligent control system that allows their goods more neat and more orderly workshop;

3, flexible site requirements --AGV much narrower than conventional roadway width of the truck needs, AGV path planning system allows you to change at any time;


4, reliable scheduling capabilities - by AGV central control system for data analysis and remote control, making AGV has a very optimized scheduling capabilities;

5, optimize the process --AGV robot technology needed to numerous easily connected together, the rationality of the process more intuitive discovery site arrangements;

6, long-distance transport --AGV system can effectively carry out any of these sites transportation, reducing waste of human resources;

7, special working environment --AGV robot can work in hazardous environments or staff not suited;

8, the guide path of the mobile robot safety --AGV very clear, AGV obstacle will automatically stop on the travel route, artificially driving the vehicle due to ideological factors determine who might be biased, thus improving security sex;

9, cost control --AGV robot can save a lot of artificial fast return on investment (wages and various regulations), while increasing employee turnover rate for the dry mechanical handling work. Enhance corporate image and shop cleanliness, unmanned production, the use of flexible covers; workshop AGV car can shuttle back and forth at each workshop.

Nanchang IKV Robot Co., Ltd. is a leading high-tech enterprises robots, industrial robots unique core technology, independent research and development, specializing in the provision of industrial robotic automation solutions. Learn more about intelligent AGV performance, please contact the hotline: 0791-88121058 AGV car: http: //www.ikvrobot.cn/agv/